Berit Gehrke :: Publikationen
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- Monographien
Gehrke, Berit (2017). The empirical foundation of event kinds and related issues. HDR-Schrift (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Paris Diderot.
Gehrke, Berit (2008). Ps in Motion: On the Semantics and Syntax of P Elements and Motion Events. LOT Dissertation Series 184. Utrecht: LOT.
- Herausgeberschaft Sammelbände und Zeitschriftensonderausgaben (seit 2019)
Gehrke, Berit, Denisa Lenertová, Roland Meyer, Daria Seres, Luka Szucsich und Joanna Zaleska (Hgg.) (in Vorbereitung). Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2022. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Gehrke, Berit, und Radek Šimík (Hgg.) (in Vorbereitung). Topics in the semantics of Slavic languages. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Borik, Olga, und Berit Gehrke (Hgg.) (2019). Participles: Form, use and meaning. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics Special Collection.
- Zeitschriftenartikel (seit 2019)
Wągiel, Marcin und Berit Gehrke (2023). Non-conservative construals with percentage quantifiers in Slavic. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 31: FASL 30 issue.
Gehrke, Berit und Marcin Wągiel (2023). On word order and non-conservative percentage quantification in Slavic and German. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 43(1).
Gehrke, Berit (2022). Differences between Russian and Czech in the use of aspect in narrative discourse and factual contexts. Languages 7(2):155.
Borik, Olga und Berit Gehrke (2019). Participles: Form, use and meaning. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 109.
Gehrke, Berit und Louise McNally (2019). Idioms and the syntax/semantics interface of descriptive content vs. reference. Linguistics 57.4:769-814.
Grillo, Nino, Artemis Alexiadou, Berit Gehrke, Nils Hirsch, Caterina Paolazzi und Andrea Santi (2019). Processing unambiguous verbal passives in German. Journal of Linguistics 55.3:523-562.
- Artikel in Sammelbänden und Proceedings (seit 2021)
Gehrke, Berit (2024, i.E.). Cross-Slavic aspect, passives, and temporal definiteness. In Topics in the semantics of Slavic languages, hg. Berit Gehrke und Radek Šimík. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Gehrke, Berit (2023). "True" imperfectivity in discourse. In Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021, hg. Petr Biskup, Marcel Börner, Olav Mueller-Reichau und Iuliia Shcherbina. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press, 119-144.
Gehrke, Berit und Marcin Wągiel (2022). When a quantifier is not a quantifier: Non-conservatity with percentage expression in German. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, hg. Daniel Gutzmann und Sophie Repp. Köln: Universität Köln, 303-321.
Gehrke, Berit (2021). Multiple event readings and occasional-type adjectives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, hg. Patricia Cabredo Hofherr und Jenny Doetjes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 362-380.
Castroviejo, Elena und Berit Gehrke (2021). Evaluative intensification and positive polarity: Catalan WELL as a case study. In Measurement, Numerals and Scales: Essays in Honour of Stephanie Solt, hg. Nicole Gotzner und Uli Sauerland. Palgrave Studies in Pragmatic, Language and Cognition. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bargmann, Sascha, Berit Gehrke und Frank Richter (2021). Modification of literal meanings in semantically non-decomposable idioms. In One-to-Many Relations in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics, hg. Berthold Crysmann und Manfred Richter. Berlin: Language Science Press, 245-279.