Berit Gehrke :: Publikationen
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- Monographien
Gehrke, Berit (2017). The empirical foundation of event kinds and related issues. HDR-Schrift (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Paris Diderot.
Gehrke, Berit (2008). Ps in Motion: On the Semantics and Syntax of P Elements and Motion Events. LOT Dissertation Series 184. Utrecht: LOT.
- Herausgeberschaft Sammelbände und Zeitschriftensonderausgaben (seit 2019)
Gehrke, Berit, Denisa Lenertová, Roland Meyer, Daria Seres, Luka Szucsich und Joanna Zaleska (Hgg.) (in Vorbereitung). Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2022. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Gehrke, Berit, und Radek Šimík (Hgg.) (in Vorbereitung). Topics in the semantics of Slavic languages. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Borik, Olga, und Berit Gehrke (Hgg.) (2019). Participles: Form, use and meaning. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics Special Collection.
- Zeitschriftenartikel (seit 2019)
Wągiel, Marcin und Berit Gehrke (2023). Non-conservative construals with percentage quantifiers in Slavic. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 31: FASL 30 issue.
Gehrke, Berit und Marcin Wągiel (2023). On word order and non-conservative percentage quantification in Slavic and German. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 43(1).
Gehrke, Berit (2022). Differences between Russian and Czech in the use of aspect in narrative discourse and factual contexts. Languages 7(2):155.
Borik, Olga und Berit Gehrke (2019). Participles: Form, use and meaning. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 109.
Gehrke, Berit und Louise McNally (2019). Idioms and the syntax/semantics interface of descriptive content vs. reference. Linguistics 57.4:769-814.
Grillo, Nino, Artemis Alexiadou, Berit Gehrke, Nils Hirsch, Caterina Paolazzi und Andrea Santi (2019). Processing unambiguous verbal passives in German. Journal of Linguistics 55.3:523-562.
- Artikel in Sammelbänden und Proceedings (seit 2021)
Gehrke, Berit und Fabienne Martin (in Vorbereitung). (Between) events and states. In Cambridge Handbook of Temporality in Language, ed. Seth Cable, Toshiyuki Ogihara, and Karen Zagona. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gehrke, Berit (2024, i.E.). Cross-Slavic aspect, passives, and temporal definiteness. In Topics in the semantics of Slavic languages, hg. Berit Gehrke und Radek Šimík. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Gehrke, Berit (2023). "True" imperfectivity in discourse. In Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021, hg. Petr Biskup, Marcel Börner, Olav Mueller-Reichau und Iuliia Shcherbina. Open Slavic Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press, 119-144.
Gehrke, Berit und Marcin Wągiel (2022). When a quantifier is not a quantifier: Non-conservatity with percentage expression in German. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, hg. Daniel Gutzmann und Sophie Repp. Köln: Universität Köln, 303-321.
Gehrke, Berit (2021). Multiple event readings and occasional-type adjectives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, hg. Patricia Cabredo Hofherr und Jenny Doetjes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 362-380.
Castroviejo, Elena und Berit Gehrke (2021). Evaluative intensification and positive polarity: Catalan WELL as a case study. In Measurement, Numerals and Scales: Essays in Honour of Stephanie Solt, hg. Nicole Gotzner und Uli Sauerland. Palgrave Studies in Pragmatic, Language and Cognition. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bargmann, Sascha, Berit Gehrke und Frank Richter (2021). Modification of literal meanings in semantically non-decomposable idioms. In One-to-Many Relations in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics, hg. Berthold Crysmann und Manfred Richter. Berlin: Language Science Press, 245-279.