Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie

Prof. Dr. Christian Voß – Projects


HomeVita | Projects| Publications


Ongoing projects | Completed projects | International cooperation | Alexander von Humboldt Fellows | Dissertations | Organised Conferences | Supervisor for Final Theses



Ongoing projects

44. 2025 (OFAJ/DFJW): Youth European Dialogue Bulgaria - France - Germany - North Macedonia: A Touring European Summer School. Second Edition (with Lukáš Macek, Sciences Po/Campus Dijon)

43. 2023-2026 (DFG): The 'Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia' (1955-1990) between Yugoslav and Sub-Yugoslav Nation-building (with Dr. Dino Mujadžević/Zagreb)

42. 2021-2024/2024-2025 (AvH-Stiftung): Remigrations from Germany to Croatia, North Macedonia and Kosovo (Institutional partnership program with Prof. Dr. Jasna Čapo/Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb) 


Completed projects

41. 2024 (OFAJ/DFJW): Youth European Dialogue Bulgaria - France - Germany - North Macedonia: A Touring European Summer School (with Lukáš Macek, Sciences Po/Campus Dijon)

40. 2019-2023 (BMBF "Small Disciplines - Great Potentials"): Migration and cultural transfer between Germany and the Albanian-speaking Western Balkans, PD Dr. Lumnije Jusufi

39. 2021-2023 Team Teaching (funded by Graduate School of SLF): Co-teaching with PhD students: Daria Almeskirchen, Sara Marenčić, Arban Mehmeti and Arta Sopaj

38. 2021-2023 (DAAD KA 226): Digitalizing Mobility and international network with open education (with Dr. Philipp Wasserscheidt and CircleU Partner Universities Belgrade etc.)

37. 2021-2022 (AvH-Stiftung): In the shadow of Eichmann. Max Merten and the Cold War Quandary (Humboldt-Fellowship Prof. Katerina Kralova/Prague)

36. 2020-2021 (Gerda Henkel-Stiftung): Islam in the Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia: Reassessing Marxist Orientalism (1955-1990) (Research grant Dr. Dino Mujadžević/Zagreb)

35. 2019-2020 (Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung): Transmigrant Albanian Communities in Berlin. Homeland Loyalties and Narratives of Albanian Past and Migrant Identities (Research fellowship Dr. Agata Rogos)

34. 2019 (DAAD Ost-West-Dialog): Multiperspectivity in the Balkans: The Sandžak in the Bosnian-Montenegrin-Serbian prism (with Dr. Philipp Wasserscheidt)

33. 2019 (Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum): Russian-speaking communities in Germany and Israel (Sylke-Tempel-fellowship Dr. Jonna Rock)

32. 2019-2020 (bologna.lab): Ambivalence of shared sacred places in Post-Socialist Southeast Europe. Case studies from North Macedonia (Q-Kolleg by Evelyn Reuter)

31. 2018 (Open Society): Language and Identity of Roma people in Central Serbia (Civil Society Scholar award Prof. Vladimir Polomac/Kragujevac)

30. 2018 (DAAD East-West-Dialog): Discursive inclusion and exclusion of Muslims and Jews in Southeastern Europe. Contributions of transdisciplinary linguistics (with Dr. Philipp Wasserscheidt)

29. 2018-2019 (DAAD): The features of the language code of the wedding ceremony of the Rhodope Bulgarian-language Muslims (Pomaks) (Dmitrij Mendeleev-grant Diana D. Balaševič/St. Petersburg)

28. 2018 (AvH-Stiftung): Humboldt Bridge Builder 2018: Crossing Borders - Transnational border research in Central and Southeastern Europe. Academic guidance of the AvH researcher alumni meeting in Prag, 29.-30.11.2018 (with Prof. Kralova/Prag)

27. 2018-2020 (Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung): Shared places of Cult of Muslims and Christians in Macedonia in everyday praxis and Islamic jurisprudence (Research fellowship Dr. Olimpia Dragouni)

26. 2017–2018 (DAAD East-West Dialogue): Demarcations and crossings of borders in and with South Eastern Europe (with Dr. Philipp Wasserscheidt und Prof. Ljiljana Glišović/Belgrad) 

25. 2017–2018 (Seed Money Federal Country of Brandenburg): Research group Borders & Boundaries at Viadrina-Center B/Orders in Motion, Frankfurt/O. (with Dr. Hannes Krämer)

24. 2016–2019/2019-2022 (HU): Interdisciplinary Centre For Transnational Border Research "Crossing Borders" (speakership; coordinator: PD Dr. Nenad Stefanov)

23. 2016-2018 (AvH-Stiftung): Muslim Migration from Serbia to Berlin (Humboldt-Fellowship Dr. Marija Mandić/Belgrad)

22. 2015–2018/2019-2020 (DAAD): Strategic partnership CENTRAL, subproject: Institutionalization of Memory in Post-Conflict Societies. Berlin - Prague - Warsaw - Budapest

21. 2015–2016 (DAAD PPP-Serbien): Constructing narratives: A social construction grammar (with Dr. Philipp Wasserscheidt and Dr. Marija Mandić/Belgrad)

20. 2014–2015 (ExIn): KOSMOS Summer University 2015 Phantom borders - real boundaries. European experiences after 1989 from a global perspective (with Prof. Hannes Grandits and PD Dr. Nenad Stefanov)

19. 2010–2011/2012–2013 (Gerda-Henkel-Foundation): South Balkans Muslims in the 21st century: Between transnationalism and reethnicising”; contributors: Dr. Christoph Giesel, Ruža Tokić


DFG (German Research Foundation): Individual Research Grants

18. 2018-2022: Linguistic landscapes at the margins. Performativity of ethnic belonging and memory politics in Croatian post-conflict regions, Research fellowship Dr. Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić at CAS Rijeka

17. 2014–2018: The Albanian-Macedonian border and its language influence of Dibra/Debar, "Eigene Stelle", Dr. Lumnije Jusufi

16. 2014-2019: Loyalties and disloyalties in the Balkans during and after the fall of the Ottoman order, with Prof. Hannes Grandits; contributor: Agata Rogos; Dr. Robert Pichler (until 2016)

15. 2010–2013/2013–2018: „Melting Borders: An Ethnography of Movement of peoples and goods in Border-areas between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia“; contributor: Dr. Olimpia Dragouni; Prof. Dr. Rozita Dimova (until 2015)

14. 2010–2013/2013–2015: Gender and Language in South-Eastern Europe: Linguistic Manifestations of Gender Conceptualisations in Albania, Croatia, and Serbia (with Prof. Lann Hornscheidt); contributors: Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić, Simone Rajilić, Delina Binaj

13. 2009-2011: Serbian identity  in Bosnia and Herzegovina between loyalty to dialect and  ethnocentrism; contributor: Dr. Nataša Tolimir-Hölzl

12. 2008-2009/2011-2013: Russian Old Church Slavonic in the 15th and 16th century; contributor: Dr. Marina Bobrik

11. 2008–2010: Contact and sociolinguistic studies with slavic speaking Muslims in West Thrace (Greece); contributors: Marina Manova, Ruža Tokić


DFG (German Research Foundation):  International cooperation / Initiation and intensification of bilateral cooperations

10. 2020: Knowledge production and nation-building: The Enciklopedija Jugoslavije (with Dr. Dino Mujadžević/Zagreb)

9. 2018-2019: Bordering boundaries: Urban frontiers of ethnicity (with Dr. Goran Janev/Skopje)

8. 2018: Cities at the gates of Europe. Cultural landscapes and identity of border towns in Southeast Europe (mit Dr. Srdjan Radović/Belgrad)

7. 2015–2016: Spray-canned discourses: Investigating language and precarious citizenship in the linguistic landscape of Athens and Belgrade (with Prof. Costas Canakis/Aegean University)

6. 2012: Mainstream and Dissident Scientific Networks between Southeastern Europe and Germany (International academic event; with Prof. Sevasti Trubeta/Aegean University)

5. 2010–2011: History of science in Southeastern Europe (with Prof. Sevasti Trubeta/Aegean University)

4. 2009–2010: Serbian-German dictionary of associations (with Prof. Rajna Dragićević, Belgrad)

3. 2009–2010: State socialism as culture mediator? Bulgarian literature in German translation (1944-1989) (with Dr. habil. Ljubka Lipčeva-Prandževa/Plovdiv) 

2. 2008–2010: Russian Chinese interethnic communication then and now. The second generation of Sino Russian pidgin (with Prof. Kapitolina Fedorova, Saint Petersburg)

1. 2008–2010: The Serbian translation of the verse prologue in Vuk’s manuscript 29 at Staatsbibliothek Berlin (with Prof. Lora Taseva, Sofia)


Alexander von Humboldt fellows at the Department

1. Prof. Dr. Jasna Čapo (Zagreb): 2007-2008

2. Prof. Dr. Dušan Glišović (Belgrad): 2014

3. Prof. Dr. Katerina Kralova (Prag): 2021-2022

4. Dr. Marija Mandić (Belgrad): 2016-2018

5. Prof. Dr. Olga Mladenova (Calgary): 2010

6. Dr. Dino Mujadžević (Zagreb): 2019, 2021

7. Prof. Dr. Lora Taseva (Sofia): 2015-2016

8. Prof. Dr. Vittorio Tomelleri (Cagliari): 2019, 2025

9. Prof. Dr. Tsvetomira Venkova (Sofia): 2021

10. Prof. Dr. Giorgio Ziffer (Udine): 2007, 2008, 2016


Dissertations (supervisor and/or first reviewer)

17. Riza Ziberi: Albanian-Macedonian code-switching and gender discrimination among Albanians in North Macedonia

16. Diellzë Hoxha: Sexual diversity in Albania and Kosovo from Ottoman to post-communist times

15. Tea Lozi: Künstlerische Emigration und transnationale Identitäten. Eine Untersuchung der Diaspora junger albanischer und kosovarischer Künstler:innen in Berlin (scholarship holder of Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung)

14. Çliresa Suka: "Ich Balkan, Du Europa". Interkulturelle und identitäre Verortung in Kosovo und Albanien im 21. Jahrhundert

13. Matilda Bako: Narratives of the New Cold War: A Comparative Study of Image Building and Public Discourses of Russia(phobia) in Germany, the Western Balkans and the UK (scholarship holder of Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung)

12. Arban Mehmeti: Serbisch-albanische Kulturdiplomatie in Kosovo im 21. Jahrhundert

11. Sara Marenčić: Chinese in the Balkans: A Look into the social and linguistic situation of the Chinese in Zagreb and Belgrade

10. Arta Sopaj: Language Loyalty in a pluricentric Diaspora: Albanians and Kosovars in Germany

9. Delina Binaj: Linguistic Manifestations of Gender Conceptualisations in Albanian (completed in 2024)

8. Daria Almeskirchen: Gender Mainstreaming and Subversive Language Use in Today's Russia (scholarship holder of Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, completed in 2023)

7. Aldina Ćemernica: Identity Constructions of Young People of Bosniak Origin in Germany (scholarship holder of Konsul Karl und Dr. Gabriele Sandmann Foundation; completed in 2022)

6. Snežana Stanković: Worldness behind the Cemetery. Stories of Absent Germans and Jews in the Former Habsburg Borderland (scholarship holder of Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung; completed in 2020)

5. Simone Rajilić: Conceptualisations of Femininity in Serbian. Female Gender Specifications between Violence and Resistance (completed in 2019)

4. Jonna Rock: Intergenerational Memory, Language and Jewish Identification of the Sarajevo Sephardim. Reflections on Belonging in Bosnia-Hercegovina/Yugoslavia, Israel and Spain (scholarship holder of Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk; completed in 2019)

3. Vladimir Neumann: Polish Chants in Moscow at the End of the 17th Century (completed in 2015)

2. Miriam Lormes: 'Among good musicians there has never been an ethnical divide'. Interkulturalität und politisches Engagement in Musikerdiskursen im postjugoslawischen Makedonien (scholarship holder  of Cusanuswerk; completed in 2015)

1. Katharina Tyran: Identity-related Positioning Along the Border: Negotiations of Language and Belonging among the Burgenland Croats (completed in 2014)


Habilitations (first reviewer)

1. Dieter Stern: Taimyr Pidgin Russian in the context of the colonization of Siberia (2010)

2. Lumnije Jusufi: The Albanian Wall. An interdisciplinary microstudy on drawing and overcoming of the border in the Dibra region (2022)


Organised conferences

42. The "Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia" and Knowledge Production during the Socialist Regime (1950-1990). Leksikografski Zavod Zagreb, 18.-19.9.2025 (DFG)

41. Fünfzig Jahre ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘. Die Wiederherstellung der Demokratie in Griechenland. HU Berlin, 14.11.2024 (CeMoG der FU Berlin, SOG)

40. Bălgaristikata v poleto na săvremennata humanitaristika (Bulgarian Studies and Contemporary Humanities). Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut und HU Berlin, 27.-28.10.2024 (NNP Bălgaristika, Sofia)

39. Wahrnehmungen und Positionierungen zum Nahost-Konflikt. Südosteuropa und Deutschland im Vergleich. Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 2.-4.9.2024 (SOG)

38. Bulgarian-Macedonian-French-German Summer School. HU Berlin, 26.-29.6.2024 (OFAJ/DFJW)

37. Russland und Südosteuropa: Wahrnehmungen und Kulturdiplomatie. Symposium des Wissenschaftliches Beirats der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Hamburg, 24.2.2023

36. Border studies at intersections of subject boundaries. Doctoral School with the Centre Marc Bloch. Berlin, 8.-9.12.2021

35. Innovative paths of Albanology. International Online Conference for Young Researchers. Berlin, 14.-15.10.2021

34. 1945-2020: Memory Culture as German-Southeast European Entangled History. (59th "Hochschulwoche", Southeast European Association, with Dr. Katerina Kralova und Dr. Sabina Ferhadbegović). Tutzing, 4.-8.10.2021

33. Reconsidering Yugoslav Kosova. Podium discussion. HU Berlin, 17.6.2021

32. Srebrenica. Podium discussion/Junge Berlin_erinnen aus Bosnien. Berlin Science Week @ HU Berlin. 3.11.2020

31. Discourses and practices of space sharing: Christians and Muslims in the Balkans. HU Berlin, 5.-7.12.2019 (Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung, Dr. Olimpia Dragouni)

30. Bordering Performances of identity and violence of Slavic and Non-Slavic communities in the Balkans. HU Berlin, 5.-7.3.2019 (KOSMOS Workshop by Dr. Agata Rogos)

29. Humboldt Bridge Builder #2: Crossing Borders. Transnational Border Studies in Central Europe. Prag, 29.-30.11.2018

28. Discursive inclusion and exclusion of Jews and Muslims in the Balkans (DAAD), Podgorica, 9.-11.7.2018; Sarajevo 3.-5.2018

27. Student workshop: presentation of fieldwork results of the international excursion to Macedonia and Albania 2017 (DAAD). Berlin, 16.2.2018; Belgrade, 26.2.2018

26. South East European Film Festival, 26.-29.5.2017 (with Jordan Plevneš/Paris and Skopje and Harald Siebler/moviemembers Berlin)

25. Islam and Muslims in Southeast Europe. 55th University Week of the South East Europe Association, Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing (with PD Dr. Jordanka Telbizova-Sack), 26.-30.9.2016)

24. South East European Film Festival, 26.-29.6.2016 (with Jordan Plevneš/Paris and Skopje and Harald Siebler/moviemembers Berlin)

23. Panel On the Fringes of the Slavic World: Neoliberal cross-border practices of daily market exchange (with Prof. Dr. Victor Friedman, Prof. Dr. Rozita Dimova and Prof. Dr. Dieter Stern); ASEEES Convention Philadelphia, 19.-22.11.2015

22. South East European Film Festival, 10.-13.6.2015 (with Jordan Plevneš/Paris and Skopje)

21. Interdisciplinary Slavic Language Contact. Workshop of Strategische Initiativföderung (ExIn), HU Berlin, 21.-23.05.2015 (with Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus/Jena)

20. Closing Conference of the COST Network Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe. A network exploring social, moral and material relocations of Europe's Eastern peripheries (with Prof. S. Green, Dr. R. Dimova u.a.), HU Berlin, 11.-13.1.2013

19. Concepts of Slavic. Humboldt-Kolleg in Prague, 14.-16.3.2012 (with PD Dr. T. Glanc)

18. Babel Balkan? Political and Sociocultural Contexts of Language in Southeast Europe (with Prof. Wolfgang Dahmen/Jena). 51st University Week of the Southeast Europe Association, Tutzing, 1.-5.10.2012

17. Mainstream and Dissident Scientific Networks between Southeastern Europe and Germany, HU Berlin, 20.-22.9.2012 (with Prof. Sevasti Trubeta)

16. The Church Slavonic Apostolos, Workshop, HU Berlin, 8.-9.12.2011

15. Doing Gender - Doing the Balkans, HU Berlin, 12.-13.5.2011

14. COST-EastBordNet "Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe", Work Group 1: "Borders, Materiality, Significations", HU Berlin, 8.-9.4.2010

13. 8th Altslawistentreffen. HU Berlin, 18.-19.2.2010

12. 48th International University Week of the Southeast Europe Association “Migrations from, in and to Southeast Europe: Current and Historical Perspectives” (with Prof. Ulf Brunnbauer /Regensburg), Tutzing, 5.-9.10.2009

11. Incorporating coethnic migration. A comparative perspective (with Prof. Jasna Čapo Žmegač/Zagreb, Prof. Klaus Roth/München), IBZ München, 11.-13.6.2009

10. Serbian linguistics: Setting the Agenda (with Dr. Biljana Golubović/Tübingen), HU Berlin, 11.-13.12.2008

9. Colloquium for PhD Students of Dr. Fritz Exner-Stiftung “Southeast European Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies” (with Prof. Gabriella Schubert), Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung, Wolfenbüttel, 27.-29.11.2008

8. Islam and Muslims in (Southeast) Europe. Continuity and Change in the Context of Transformation and EU-Enlargement (with Dr. Jordanka Telbizova-Sack), HU Berlin, 7.-8.11.2008

7. EU-Bulgarian Studies: Perspectives and Potentials (with the Bulgarian Embassy, Berlin), HU Berlin, 16.-17.5.2008

6. Europe’s Slavicity or the Slavia’s Europeanness: A Contribution of Cultural Relativist Linguistics (with Prof. Alicja Nagórko/HU Berlin), HU Berlin, 31.5.-2.6.2007

5. Slavic Studies after the EU-enlargement: Challenges and prospects. First Interdisciplinary Slavic Studies Conference. Thessaloniki, 29.9.-1.10.2006

4. 45th International University Week of the Southeast Europe Association “Inclusion and Exclusion in the Western Balkans” (with Prof. Ulf Brunnbauer/Regensburg), Tutzing, 9.-13.10.2006

3. The Pomaks in Greece and Bulgaria – a model case for borderland minorities in the Balkans (with Prof. Klaus Steinke/Erlangen), Erlangen, 22.-23.7.2005

2. Language Birth and Language Death on the Edge of the “Slavic World” (with Dr. Dieter Stern/HU Berlin), HU Berlin, 24.-26.2.2005

1. Minorities in Greece – Historical Issues and New Perspectives (with Dr. Sevasti Trubeta/FU Berlin), FU Berlin, 30.1.-1.2.2003


Co-organized CENTRAL events of the project "Institutionalized memories in Central and Southeast Europe"

Workshop Vienna December 2016: „Memory in Post-conflict societies“ (DAAD)

Workshop Prague December 2017: „Memory in Post-conflict societies“ (DAAD)

Workshop HU Berlin October 2018: „Memory in Post-conflict societies“ (DAAD)

Humboldt Bridge Builder #2 Prague December 2018: „Crossing Borders“ (Humboldt Foundation)

Workshop Vienna December 2019: „Memory in Post-conflict societies" (DAAD)

Workshop Budapest March 2022: „Memory and mass murder“ (CENTRAL)

Workshop Vienna February 2023: „Memory and Victimhood“ (CENTRAL)

Workshop HU Berlin 28.2.-1.3.2024: "Transformation of Memory Cultures and Politics" (CENTRAL)


Invited Lectures and conference presentations (since 2022)

28.4.2022: “Decolonize Church Slavonic”. Ringvorlesung “Ukraine”, HU Berlin

3.5.2022: "The Albanian Poetics of Borders and Boundaries". Workshop "Kosovo's B/Orders and Beyond: Crossing Borders, Challenging Social Orders", Viadrida-University Frankfurt/O.

10.5.2022: "Religionsgrenzen und Transnationalität in neuerer Literatur aus Südosteuropa". Conference "Islam auf dem Balkan". Evangelische Akademie Loccum

9.6.2022: “Linguistic self-empowerment of New Speakers: Slavic ethnic revival in Greece since the 1980s". Conference “Learning the Language of the Neighbors: Education Policies, Ideologies and Practices in East Central Europe”. Universität Oslo

20.6.2022:  “Kosovarische Literatur im 20. Jh. Jugoslawisches Bratstvo und/oder albanisches Jedinstvo?“ Universität Graz

2.7.2022: „Inter- und Transdisziplinarität in den sogenannten Kleinen Fächern nach der deutschen Exzellenz-Initiative. Beispiele aus der Slawistik.“ Humboldt-Kolleg „Wissenschaft in Dialog und Monolog“, Arbanasi (BG)

19.7.2022: “Between Yugoslav brotherhood and Albanian unity. Albanian literature in Kosovo in 20th century”. Prishtina International Summer University

20.7.2022: “Kosovar and Balkan transnational literature today“.  Prishtina International Summer University

27.7.2022: „Hybridität auf dem Balkan: Identitätsbildung, Minderheiten und Literatur“. OASA-Workshop “Wir erinnern 3.0. Die dritte Generation erzählt”, HU Berlin

8.9.2022: “Transnational literature from Kosovo and the Balkans”. Conference “Java e Bibliotekës në Kosovë”, National Library of Kosovo, Prishtina

28.10.2022: “Letërsia shqipe në Jugosllavinë e Titos: Ndërmjet angazhimit ndaj Jugosllavisë, hermetizmit dhe refuzimit” (with Belfjore Qose). Conference “101. Godišnjica Katedre za Albanologiju na Beogradskom univerzitetu. Međunarodna naučna konferencija”, University of Belgrade

26.10.2022/2.11.2022: “The Russian Invasion in the Ukraine: The perspective from Berlin and from the Balkans”. DePaul University, Chicago (Co-Teaching with Dr. Gazmend Kapllani)

17.11.2022: “Krahasim midis pluricentrizmit të shqipes dhe të sllavishtes së jugut 30 vjet pas shpërbërjes së Jugosllavisë.” Conference “Shqipja standarde sot”, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, Prishtina

23.11.2022: “Memory wars and ethnic stereotypes in textbooks and literature from the Balkans.” Conference “Role of Education in the Overcoming of the Legacy of the Past and in Reinforcing Democratic Institutions”. Prague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

5.12.2022: “Dominant vs. non-dominant varieties: Contributions from the Balkans to the conceptualization of pluricentrism.”  Serija lingvističkih predavanja “Čovjek – Jezik – Svijet” 5, University of Sarajevo

12.12.2022: “Linguistic self-empowerment of New Speakers: Slavic ethnic revival in Greece since the 1980s". MELMUB-Conference “Minority and Endangered Languages in the Multilingual Context of the Balkans”, Ca’Foscari University, Venedig


9.2.2023: “Victim or loser? War trauma and antinationalism in transnational literature from the Balkans”. CENTRAL-Workshop “Notion and construction of victimhood in Central, East and Southeast Europe”, University Vienna

23.2.2023: „Albanian Literature in Kosovo in the 1930-1980s in the Yugoslav literary field”. Conference “Słowiańszczyzna dawniej i dziś – język, literatura, kultura”. University Wrocław

24.2.2023: Opening of the SOG Symposium “Russland und Südosteuropa: Wahrnehmungen und Kulturdiplomatie“, Katholische Akademie Hamburg

8.3.2023: “Towards a Cultural History of the Yugoslav Albanians”, Institut za etnologiju I folkloristiku, Zagreb

14.4.2023: “Ulyssee 2.0? Return to the Balkans in today’s transnational literature” (with Belfjore Qose). The Hidai “Eddie” Bregu Annual Public Lecture, DePaul University Chicago

28.4.2023: „Hybride (Sprach)Identität in postmigrantischer Literatur aus Deutschland und vom Balkan“. Conference „Interkulturalität, Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprach(en)politik im europäischen Zusammenhang", University Tirana

29.4.2023: Input lecture "Interdisciplinarity in Southeast European Studies". 1st Southeast European Studies Forum in Regensburg

29.5.2023: "The gaze of the colonized? Kosovar narratives in the (Post-)Yugoslav cultural field". Conference "Discourses of war(s) in 1990s in the (ex-) Yugoslav area". University of Warsaw (Prop)

7.6.2023: "Divergence and re-convergence across the German and the Albanian Wall in literature and film." Conference "Borderworlds. Temporal, Geographical and Psychosocial Exploration of Symbolic Borders", Charles University Prague

13.7.2023: "The potential of Slavic revivals in northern Greece (Macedonia and Western Thrace)". Conference "The future of Slavic languages and Slavic studies: Sociolinguistics, multilingualism, scenarios, prognostic methods", Justus Liebig University Giessen

24.8.2023: "Qëndrimet pluricentrike gjuhësore: Kufijtë gjuhësorë dhe gruporë të migrantëve shqiptarë dhe kosovarë në Berlin" (with Arta Sopaj). The XLI International Seminar on Albanian Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtinë

4.-5.9.2023: "Scenarios of Reversing Language Shift among minoritized languages in Greece". Conference "Survival of the Arbëresh language in the 21st century". Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Tirana

2.-3.10.2023: Workshop "Balkan Talks on War and Peace", Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju and S. Fischer-Stiftung, Belgrade (Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju)

25.10.2023: Roundtable "Reshaping the Field: Postcoloniality and Slavic Studies". Conference "Decolonizing Space in the Gobal East", University of Helsinki

26.10.2023: "'Arvanites are not Albanians'? Sociolinguistics and Balkan minorities since Peter Trudgill and the 1970s". Conference "Studimet për shqiptarët në Britaninë e Madhe dhe në vendet e Europës Veriore". Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, Prishtina

21.11.2023: “Towards a Cultural History of the Yugoslav Albanians”. SEELECTS Lecture, Ghent University

13.12.2023: "Georgi Gospodinov and the end of the transnational paradigm". Workshop "Time Shelter" by Georgi Gospodinov.


29.2.2024: "Decolonize Yugoslavia? Kosovo-Albanian memories of Brotherhood and Unity". CENTRAL-Workshop "Transformation of Memory and Cultures and Politics", HU Berlin, 29.2.-1.3.2024

23.3.2024: Podium discussion with Alida Bremer: "Tesla oder Die Vollendung der Kreise". Leipziger Buchmesse 2024

26.6.2024: "The Macedonian Question(s)". OFAJ/DFJW Touring European Summer School, HU Berlin, 26.-29.6.2024

11.7.2024: "Towards a Cultural History of Albanians in Tito's Yugoslavia". CAS SSE Seminar, University Rijeka

29.8.2024: "Cultural Defectors? Towards a Cultural History of Yugoslav Albanians". 42. International Seminar on Albanian Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtina, 19.-30.8.2024

2.9.2024: "Muslime und Juden in Südosteuropa: Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte der Exklusion". Konferenz "Wahrnehmungen und Positionierungen zum Nahost-Konflikt. Südosteuropa und Deutschland im Vergleich". Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 2.-4.9.2024

23.9.2024: Introduction to Blerina Rogova Gaxha "Memory and Trauma: The Memory of the 1998-1999 War in Albanian Literature in Kosovo". HU Berlin (SOG)

22.10.2024: Introduction to Gëzim Aliu and his new novel "Illness and God". HU Berlin (SOG)

24.10.2024: Podiumsdiskussion mit Alida Bremer und Elke Schmitter. Botschaft der Republik Kroatien in Berlin

27.10.2024: Moderation des Panels "Small philologies and AI". Conference "Bulgarian Studies and Contemporary Humanities". Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut Berlin

28.10.2024: Podiumsdiskussion mit Georgi Gospodinov: "Weniger Erinnerung - mehr Vergangenheit? Schreiben gegen das Defizit an Zukunft". HU Berlin

19.11.2024: Introduction to Izer Maksuti "Albanian Language in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Kosovo". HU Berlin (SOG)



First Supervisor for final theses (BA, MA, Magister, Diplom, since 2007)

a) South Slavic Studies

Antić: Graffiti als Teil von Erinnerungskultur? Vergangenheit und Heldenfiguren in der Linguistic Landscape der zentralserbischen Stadt Kragujevac (2020)

Arifović: Media Analysis in Dayton-Bosnia on the Basis of Sporting Reports (2011)

Atanasov: Türkische Entlehnungen im Bulgarischen (2021)

Bajić: Translatability of Language Varieties in Croatian Children and Youth Culture (2014)

Bock: Yugosphere on the Dalmation Holiday Island? An Empirical Study on Post-Yugoslav Identity among Young People from Serbia and Croatia (2014)

Bulić: The Ethnic Joke Using the Example of “Mujo and Haso” Jokes (2010)

Ćosić: Hot-blooded Croats and Cold-hearted Germans? A Cultural and Language Relativist Examination of Croatian and German Keywords (2008)

Ćejvanović: Gender-sensitive Language Use at Universities: A Comparison of France and Former Yugoslavia (2014)

Ćejvanović: Arebica. Diskurs und Praxis in Bosnien und Herzegowina (2021)

Ćemernica: Language and Nationalism among the Former-Yugoslav Diaspora in Germany (2009)

Ćemernica: Serbia between Euphoric Mood and Stagnation: The Detentions of Milošević (2001) and Mladić (2011) as a Media Event (2012)

Derinyar: Croatia’s Long Way into the EU - Accession Negotiations in Selected Daily Newspapers (2010)

Dimitrova: Gender and Language in South Slavic School Books for First Grade (2011)

Giese: The Puristic Handling of Anglicisms in Croatian - Represented Using the Example of Computer Terminology (2007)

Goršić: The Ideological Functions of Serbocroatian in Present-day Slovenia (2008)

Haye: Bosniak, Muslim or Bosnian? Ethnic, religious and national ascriptions in Bosnia-Hercegovina in 20th and 21st Century (2020)

Hermfisse: Slobodan Praljak’s Suicide in The Hague as a Media Event. An analysis of Representational Patterns of ICTY’s Activities in the Bosnian Media Landscape (2018)

Hoffmann: Tourism and Sociocultural Identity: The Example of Croatia (1960-2008) (2008)

Jenß: The Politisation of Popular Culture: Former Yugoslav Performances at the Eurovision Song Contest as an Act of Reconciliation or Intensification of the Conflict? (2018)

Jolić: The “Declaration of the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language” 1967: On Yugoslavia’s Language Politics and its Impact on National Constructions of Identity in the Socialist Republic of Croatia (2018)

Jovičić: Youth Culture in Former Yugoslavia: Pop Music between Nationalism and Yugo-nostalgia (2008) 

Just: A Finall 'Never Again'. The 'Failure' of the UNO at the Genocide in Srebrenica as 'Organized Hypocrisy' (2023)

Katovčić: The Language Political Debate in Croatia since 1991. An Empirical Study of the Magazine “Jezik” (2012)

Kirschina: Saying Hello and Goodbye in German, Russian and Bulgarian Chat (2016)

Kraus: Muse als feministischer Inspirationsmythos: Vergleichende Analyse des Motivs der Muse in der heutigen postjugoslawischen Literatur (2023)

Kuljanin: Hybridität und Transnationalität in Migrationskulturen. Bosniaken in Deutschland (2023)

Ljevar: Croatian and Serbian - Debates on Belongingness in the 19th Century (2014)

Ligata: Curse or Blessing - The Dayton Agreement. Bosnia 24 Years Later (2019)

Maltarić: Temporal Adverbial Clauses in German and Croatian (2011)

Milutinović: Postjugoslawische Sprachelemente im Kiezdeutschen und in deutscher Rapmusik. Eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung von Sprache, Kultur und Identität (2024)

Müssig: Discussion on War Criminals in present-day Croatian and Serbian Media (2011)

Musić: Alhamijado Literature in Bosnia and Herzegovina between the 16th and 20th Centuries: Sociolinguistic and Historical Literary Aspects (2016)

Musić: Jugoslawische und postjugoslawische Plurizentrikdebatten. Sprache und Politik im 20. Jahrhundert (2020)

Nagel: Zwischen Brüderlichkeit und Einheit? Eine sprachliche Analyse der Belgrader und Zagreber Ausgabe der Parteizeitung "Borba" 1965-1985 (2021)

Nagel: Attitudes of Montenegrin Students Towards the National Language Policy (2023)

Osvald: Stereotypes of Croats, Serbs and Bosnians in German TV (2020)

Paschke: Welches Bild vermitteln die deutschen Medien der Öffentlichkeit vom Balkan (insbesondere von Serbien und Kosovo)? (2020)

Piasek: Cartographies of a Present Past: On Cohabitation in Multiethnic Regions along the Historical Slavonian Military Frontier (2018)

Peter: Gender and Socialism. Continuities and Discontinuities in Yugoslavia/Serbia and Bulgaria (2012)

Peter: East and Westeuropean Perspectives on the European Migrant Crisis 2015: Between Right-wing Populism and Islamophobia ( 2016)

Projić: The Croatian čovjek - Rather Human or Man? The Difficulty of Ambivalent Generalisation (2009)

Rizova: Sacred and Secularised Terms in Slavia Latina and Slavia Orthodoxa. The Terms Angel and Devil in Polish and Bulgarian (2013)

Rothert: “Love me like Derrida loved Ghosts.” Art as means for visibility, deconstruction, and re-imagination of intersectional positioning as a woman, Romni and Bosnian in the case of Selma Selman (2023)

Schade: Minority Rights Protection in Serbia Using the Example of Bosniaks in Sandžak (2013)

Schmid: Gender, Language and Politics in Former Yugoslav Croatia. An Empirical Study in Social Networks (2019)

Shamsutdinova: Myth and Reality of Language Policy: A Comparative Analysis of European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Implementation in Poland and Serbia (2024)

Senderović: Societal and Individual Multilingualism: On Perspectives of Support and Challenges in the Frame of EU Language Politics (2017)

Skotović: Multiethnicity and Interculturality of Minorities Using the Example of Ethnic Hungarians and Danube Swabians in Vojvodina in the 20th and 21st Centuries (2018)

Smigielski: Balkan Stereotypes and Antiziganism. An Empirical Study of present German Press (2015)

Spasić-Neumann: The Prizren-Timok-Dialect Using the Example of Vranje. On the Difficulty of Transitional Dialects in the Former Yugoslav Space (2007)

Šošo: Bilingualism and Identity of Croats Living in Germany in the Second Generation (2008)

Slodička: German-Bulgarian Language Alternation on Facebook: Code-Switching or Language-Mixing? (2012)

Slodička: South Slavic Hate Speech: Myths and Expressivity in the Denomination of “the Other” in a Extreme Right Wing TV Show (2017)

Stoyanova: Language Contact and Language Death in Southern Europe: Southslavic Minority Languages in Italy, Romania and Greece (2012)

Telebuh: How Culture-specific is Advertising? An Analysis of a Current Croatian Corpus (2019)

Tokić: Greek National Ideology in Ottoman Macedonia. Two Text Witnesses in their Historical and Cultural Context (2008)

Tokić: Debates on Croatian as a Language of its Own from the 19th to the 21st Century (2013)

Türk: Yugoslav Identities Then and Now: The Nationalisation of Former Gastarbeiter in Berlin (2018) 

Van den Berghe: “Croatian through Russian?” Intercomprehension and Foreign Language Didactics among Slavic L2/L3 Languages (2014)

Vidaković: Lexik des Klosters in zwei slawischen Paraenesen Ephraim des Syrers: Begriffe des Mönchslebens in der russischen und der südslawischen Tradition (2024)

Vlaeva: Erinnerung als literarischer Gegenstand. Ausgewählte Werke von Miljenko Jergović und Lejla Kalamujić zu den Jugoslawienkriegen der 1990er Jahre. (2021)

Volk: Turbofolk in Former Yugoslavia. Between Identitarian Regression and Demarcation (2010)

Vollstädt: Preservation of Language and Tradition in Val Resia - A Critical Evaluation of Strategies and Results (2016)

Vrhovac: The Position of Women in the Traditional and Socialist Society in Former Yugoslavia (2010)

Wasserscheidt: Multilingualism and Language Change among Hungarian Speakers in the Serbian Banat (2007)

Wasserscheidt: Cognitive Modeling of Language Mixing (2010)


b) East Slavic Studies

Bilchenko: Arabisms in Russian and Spanish (2009)

Boyko: Ukrainian-Polish-Russian Language Contact: Basis for Cultural and Political Contradictions? (2012)

Causov: German-Russian Language Contact in the Public. Lexical Transferences and Code-Switching (2013)

Dorjsuren: A Comparative Analysis of the Form of Address in Russian and Mongolian Language Use (2009)

Falk: Impact of Cultural Clichés and Stereotypes in Advertising Language in Russian Relating to Russian Identity and the Perception of Women (2018)

Fechner: Transference and Code-Switching. An Empirical Study on Russian-German Language Use among Two Generations of Late Emigrants (2015)

Friedrich: Das russinische Dialektkontinuum auf der Schwelle zwischen West- und Ostslavia (2023)

Gribchenko: Denomination and Toponyms in 20th Century Russian Literature. The Novels “Leto Gospodne” and “Bogomol’e” by  I.S. Šmelev (2017)

Gröpler: Language, Politics and Identity in Slavic CIS States: A Comparison of the Ukraine and Belarus (2012)

Hahn: Factors for Language Maintenance in the Second Generation of Russian Speaking Emigrants in Berlin (2012)

Jamowitsch: Language Action Patterns of Politeness in the Context of Multilingualism. An Empirical Study with Russian-German Students (2011)

Jamowitsch: Expressive Language as a Means of Emotional Communication. An Empirical Analysis of German and Russian Love Declarations in an Intermedia Comparison (2013)

Jochem: “Ja Rusyn byl, jesm’ i budu”. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Eastern Slavic Minority in Central Europe (2017)

Jouravel: Translation Techniques of Early Slavic Translations of Patristic Texts. A Study on De resurrectioneby Methodius of Olympus (2010)

Klester: A Comparison of Current Language Use of Russian Speaking Migrants in Germany in the USA (2013)

Koch: Intercultural Misunderstandings in German-Russian Communication (2008)

Kondratenko: Misogynistic Hate Speech (in Russian-Slovak Comparison) (2017)

Kriesel: Gender-specific Communication - A Phenomenon of Intercultural Communication? A Contrastive Analysis of German and Russian Culture

Lytovka: Language Contact in Ukrainian: Discourses of Threat or Enrichment (2013)

Matz: Corporate Communications and Intercultural Language Behaviour Using the Example of the German-Russian Company GAZPROM Germania GmbH (2012)

Mechtcheriakova: Language as a Battle for Symbolic Dominance - Use of Anglicisms vs. Language Purism in Russia since Perestroika (2008)

Mosconi: The UdSSR’s Language Politics in the 1920s-1940s. Prestige, Power and Propaganda (2010)

Mustafabejli: A Global Comparison of the Language of Russian Hip Hop (2011)

Oserowksi: Text-Picture Relations in Russian Car Advertisement (2011)

Pardelli: Shards of a Broken Empire. Russian Language and National Identity in Post-Soviet Transcaucasia (2013)

Patzke: On the Genesis of Suržyk. Political and Linguistic Aspects (2017)

Paschke: Die Mischsprache Surzhyk und die nationale Identität der Ukrainer (2023)

Scharf: The Continuation of Church Slavonic Noun Stems in Russian. A Contrastive Study (2014)

Schmalz: On the Media Integration of German-Russians after the Lisa Case in 2016 (2017)

Schmidt: Phenomena of Transference in Russian-German Language Contact in Germany (2014)

Schottstädt: Language Loyalty of Multilingual Adolescents. A Russian-German Empirical Study (2011)

Schrempf: The Generic Masculine in German and Russian - A Study of Production and Perception (2013)

Semjakina: Anglicisms in Russian Youth Language in Internet Forums (2009)

Sliusarenko: Language Behaviour and Attitude among Russian Jews and German-Russians in Germany (2009)

Takacs: The Myth of Russian Berlin. Language Loyalty among Russian-Jewish, Russian-German and Russian Speaking Communities in Berlin (2012)

Turtsova: Translation Technique and Lexis in Two Old Church Slavonic Translations of the Martyrium of Codratus. A Dating Attempt (2012)

Ufnal: “Demokratija” as flag or stigma word? Critical Discourse Analysis of the Official Press in Today’s Russia (2012)

Ugorets: Aspects Creating Identity in Experiences of Migration. A Comparison of German-Russians and Gastarbeiter from Italy (2013)

Wacker: “German-Russian or “Aussiedlerisch”? Cultural Identities of Coethnic Migrants (2011)

Wenzek: Phrasemes as Translation Units Using the Example of Figures of Speech with Toponyms (2010)

Yukecheva: Language Change in Russian Social Media. A Text Linguistic Analysis of Hashtags (2017)


c) West Slavic Studies

Dziedzic: Contact-induced Language Change among Bilingual Speakers in Poland and Germany (2017)

Fehr: Bohemisms in Slovakian in Spontaneous Language (2017) 

Jagoda: Linguistic Landscapes: How Visible is German-Polish Multilingualism in Berlin? (2014)

Krasa: Between East and West - Lacunas in the Russian and German Translation of Wyspianski’s “Wesele” (2015)

Malecki: Polish-German Code-Switching of Migrants: Analysis and Motivation (2011)

Neufeld: Poles? Germans? Silesians? An Empirical Study of Identity and Belonging among Residents of Zawazdkie in Upper Silesia (2014)

Nitzsche: Bilingual Lusatia - Pipe Dream or Reality? Linguistic Landscapes in Sorbian Villages (2012)

Nitzsche: "Horjekach je wotcny kraj!" Culture of Remembrance in Bilingual Lusatia after the First World War (2018) 

Nowak: Czech as a Minority Language in the Multiethnic Banat (2009)

Pulčeska: Die Gefährung und Revitalisierung von Minderheitensprachen. Die Fallbeispiele Niedersorbisch und Friaulisch (2023)

Wasileswki: Interference Errors of Polish Native Speakers in Russian Language Acquisition (2010)

Wilde: Xenophobie in Polen. Eine Untersuchung der Berichterstattung über den Islam (2023)