Call for papers
- CfP
- (Extended) deadline for abstracts:
May 25, 2022 - Notification:
July 1, 2022 - Conference dates:
October 5-7, 2022
Invited speakers
- Svitlana Antonyuk (Graz)
- James E. Lavine (Bucknell University)
- Zorica Puškar-Gallien (ZAS)
- Marcin Wągiel (Brno/Wrocław)
Practical information
Organizing committee
Berit Gehrke, Denisa Lenertová, Roland Meyer, Daria Seres, Luka Szucsich
Declaration of solidarity with our colleagues and fellow students in and from Ukraine
The organizing committee of FDSL-15 condemns the aggression against Ukraine and stands in solidarity with all Ukrainians and all people speaking up against this illegitimate war. In particular, we express our support for colleagues and friends in Ukraine and for colleagues and friends whose liberty and safety is threatened because they are standing up against the war.